Monday, June 18, 2007

C'mon, don't be that guy.

I was taking a walk through the good work posted on Ads of the World and I came across this campaign by studio Salles Chemistri of Sao Paulo, Brazil. They were advertising a new brand of low-fat yogurt. Now, I'm sure this idea sounded funny in the boardroom and the message might resonate with the consumer public at large, but personally, I just think it's weak. There are so many good directions you can go to advertise a healthy product, and I just think they dropped the ball here and went for the easiest way out.

In the interest of full disclosure, I like 'big' women. I'm not exactly a "Chaser," but I love the look of a healthy, curvy, rubenesque woman. So while this ad featuring a beautiful latina in a nude rose pedal scene a la "american beauty" is meant to inspire disgust, I reacted just the opposite. Hell, I think she's hot.

The guys from Salles Chemistri should have taken a page out of the Dove book and helped redefine the traditional unhealthy norm of skinny chicks being the hallmark of beauty. I mean, shoot. I think these models are the sexiest ones we've seen in print in a very, very long time.

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