Wednesday, September 19, 2007

New Work

I just finished a logo for Jupiterimages' newly minted "green committee," dedicated to greenifying the corporation from the inside-out. Here's the logo for the Pasadena office.

IN OTHER NEWS: I'm leaving the company. I got recruited by Warner Brothers' promotion/advertising department to join their design team. I'm really excited about this, because 1) it's a cool place to work, 2) it's a little more money, and 3) I love entertainment design, but I've never been able to get my foot in that door. So it really floored me when I got a phone call from the VP for marketing/advertising saying that she found my portfolio on creative hotlist and that she wanted me to come in to meet her team. When I came in, she greeted me in her toy-and-poster-cluttered office wearing a vintage rolling stones shirt, and I just knew it was the place for me. I start on October first.